She enrolled the Faculty of Architecture in Belgrade in 1984. In 1987/1988 she spent four months at Temple University in Philadelphia, U.S.A. and graduated from the Faculty of Architecture, University of Belgrade in 1990.
For two years (1988–1989) she worked in the Mitchell–Giurgu Architects bureau in Philadelphia, then in 1992 in Mepex in Belgrade. With her husband she founded their own design studio Architects Ercegovac Todorović – A+ET in Belgrade in 1997. The Studio is specialised in architecture, interior and general design and she is presently its leading designer. In 1998 she passed the Certification exam and since that year she has been a member of the Architectural Section of the Association of Serbian Applied Artists and Designers (ULUPUDS). She has participated in numerous local and foreign professional and art exhibitions and has received many local and international awards in the field of marketing, architecture, interior and general design.